Definition of Power according to Erhard et al (2022):
“Ability to allow things to happen.
Power is always an exercise of something. Power equals the size of your intentions divided by the time it takes for your intentions to get realized.
The scope and magnitude of your word realized is power.
Power is something about altering the occurring for yourself, another, or others such that there is an alteration in one’s way of being and acting that is effective and/or contributes to the quality of life.
The freedom to be and act is power.
The degree of integrity I have is equal to the amount of power I have.
When I do not honor my word, I diminish power. The less authenticity I have the less power I have.
When my life is about nothing more than my own personal concerns for myself, I have little power.
When I am “at the effect” I have no power.
When you have as your foundation being a person of integrity, being authentic, being given being and action by something bigger than myself, and being-cause-in-the-matter, you have given yourself a foundation that is truly powerful.”
Erhard, Werner and Jensen, Michael C. and Zaffron, Steve and Echeverria, Jeronima, Course Materials for: ‘Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership: An Ontological/Phenomenological Model’ (October 4, 2022). Harvard Business School NOM Working Paper No. 09-038, Simon School Working Paper No. 08-03, Barbados Group Working Paper No. 08-02, Available at SSRN: or